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This page is a work in progress so sorry if some stuff doesn't look good. I'm working on it. I'm just going to post random things here in this page such as random notes from my classes and just things I don't want in my blog or the main page




10/4/23 at 3:34 PM

CS 2 Notes for Module 1 - A.K.A. The basics that I've known for quite a while but still have to look at for better understanding

Natural Languages vs. Programming Languages

Natural languages are languages we use to explain and record our thought. Lots of languages exist around us and some don't even require you to speak or write such as sign language or body language.

However, computers have what are reffered to as machine languages. Machine languages are what allow computers to recognize what tasks it must complete. A complete set of commands is reffered to as an instruction list which is sometimes abbreviated to IL. Different types of computers may vary depending on the size of their ILs, and the instructions could be completely different in different models. Machine languages are developed by humans

What makes a language?

Each language mostly consists of the following:

The IL is, in fact, the alphabet of a machine language. This is the simplest and most primary set of symbols we can use to give commands to a computer. It's the computer's mother tongue.

Unfortunately, we need a language that computers and humans can also understand. These type of languages are referred to as high-level programming languages. These languages are similar to ours in the fact that they use symbols, words, and conventions that humans can understand. With these languages, we can have commands that are far more advanced than those that an IL can offer.

What does the interpreter do?

The interpreter reads the source code in a way that is common in Western culture: from top to bottom and from left to right. There are some exceptions - they'll be covered later in the course.

First of all, the interpreter checks if all subsequent lines are correct (using the four aspects covered earlier).

If the interpreter finds an error, it finishes its work immediately. The only result in this case is an error message.

10/5/2023 at 10:18 PM

AP Macroeconomics Notes: Daily Video 1 for Topic 2.4: Price Indices and Inflation

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10/6/2023 at 3:15 PM

Why do AI models such as ChatGPT and Claude Instant not comprehend math problems well?

I did my research and I am now going to respond this question once and for all

The answer is that AI like ChatGPT or Claude Instant just doesn't know proper math because it was never exposed to it as much as it should have been. Isn't that just great? Students use AI for their homework all the time and as much as they praise for how convenient is it, if they are on a time crunch, they will more than likely get angry at the computer for not knowing the right answers if they get it wrong. This is why you don't really ask ChatGPT for coding help either. In most instances, it will be right with code but some problems are far too complex for this so that's when AI can't solve problems such as writing a game of chess or checkers as opposed to something much more simpler like my game of reversi that I coded about a week or so ago. However, there is a simple solution that I don't think anyone has thought of and that is to train AI because as of right now, the only AI that seems to know proper math is Wolfram Alpha and that has existed for a while but I feel like we need a far more available alternative and that would be to gather mathmeticians and those who understand proper math so they can train normal AI to understand math the way it is properly accessed. If you want to gain more knowledge, I would encourage you to keep learning and don't fall for these quick solutions. Another thing is that this page was designed with the intent of sharing free knowledge that I have to offer because knowledge should be free regardless of what anyone tells you which is why not only am I making my AP Macroeconomics notes free, but I also plan to keep offering more Computer Science knowledge that I have.